Robin Worley


(314) 946-6381

About Robin

Robin Worley serves as an Administrative Assistant at B.E.S.T. Wealth Management, LLC. Her primary role is to provide administrative support to the overall financial planning and investment-related functions of the company.

Robin grew up in Rockford, Illinois and moved to the St. Louis area after graduating from Southwest Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Education.

Early in her career, Robin worked as an administrator with children.

Eventually she found her way to B.E.S.T. Wealth Management, LLC as an Administrative Assistant (yes, you read that correctly, this is Robin’s second stint with us).

She then worked as an Executive Assistant at Soft Surroundings until early 2023. Now we are very happy to have her back!

Robin loves spending time with family and friends and watching St. Louis Cardinals baseball.  She also enjoys reading and listening to audiobooks. Robin is a member of Fee Fee Baptist Church and loves her Sunday Bible study class.

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